
Showing posts from September, 2018

Visual Power of Pinterest

      When deciding where to most-effectively place your business’ ad campaign, it can be tempting to go straight for the big guns: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Today I invite you to take a look at a less-utilized but just as effective tool for your marketing use: Pinterest. We’re going to look at answers to three main questions you may have about this site: What is Pinterest, why do people love it, and how can it benefit your business to promote using this platform?      To start with, what is Pinterest? In a nutshell, Pinterest is a montage of everything on the internet, all placed into a visually appealing package. When I say “everything” on the internet, I truly mean EVERYTHING. Whether a consumer is searching for an answer to their question about the solar system, information on how to construct an acrylic table, memes that make them laugh out loud, inspiration for their art piece on mermaids, or a group that sympathizes with their morals, Pinterest has a pin for them.